
Shooting In Low Light: Show Choir – Closing Night

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Oak Show Choir

The Oak Show Choir had their closing night performance for the 2015-2016 season.  I had to pleasure to photograph this last concert. The biggest challenge was shooting in low light conditions.  This was overcome with fast glass and high ISO.  I couldn’t sacrifice shutter speed due to the fact that the kids were dancing.  But, […]


Great Year With The Band

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Bands of Santiago Sharks

I am nearly finished spending a great year photographing BOSS (Bands of Santiago Sharks).  These young musicians led by Kris Parish and Joe Dudek comprise the award-winning bands that have marched in the Rose Parade and performed at Carnegie Hall, just to name two. It started off just before school started, at “band camp”.  Three […]


Event Photography for Programs

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Bands of Santiago Sharks Concert Photo

Event Photography I had the pleasure of photographing the Bands and Color Guard for Santiago High School for two seasons now.  This year I was asked to design the programs for the Band Concerts. My experience in event photography came in handy.  Most of the photographs needed to be taken in low-light situations, both indoor […]


The Band Is All Here

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What do you do when you have to deliver photos for a Jazz Band concert program but you have no photographs of the Jazz Band?  The default it getting some stock photos of other bands but that doesn’t really fly.  We I got the assignment to design the Fall Jazz Concert for BOSS (Bands of […]