
Priestly Portrait

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Portrait of Kevin

Here’s a shot for recent portrait shot. The end use of this portrait shot was for a website “About Us” page. Kevin was recently ordained and interning at an Anglican Church is Orange County [Holy Trinity Anglican Church] The morning started off foggy and dark but 40 minutes after arrival the sun broke free.  I […]


A Boy And His Dogs

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Boy and His Dogs

It’s never easy seeing your kids sick, even if it’s just a cold.  You try and comfort them as much as possible but no one can do it as well as a pet, or so it seems. When you’re not feeling well there’s nothing like falling asleep with unconditional love. This is an example of […]


You Must Have A Really Nice Camera

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Rainy Morning at School

Professional photographers often talk about a regular, back-handed compliment given to them. It’s given to them by well-meaning admirers of one of their photographs or their work. “You must have a really nice camera.” Good, or professional, equipment does make ones work/art more convenient or even easier to create but, the camera is just a tool […]


Black and White or Color?

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Black and White or Color

After you take a photograph you many find yourself faced with the following question: black and white or color? Each type can create a completely different emotion or convey a differnt message to the viewer. A couple of weeks ago I took the following photograph of a young boy in front of a brick wall […]


Expressions of Kids

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Photographing Children

Capturing Real Life I just love the expressions of kids.  At some point in a persons life, they start growing shy of the camera.  Not of their own camera obviously, because selfies are a must in most peoples lives.  But, when they see a DSLR pointed in their direction, they turn, shout “NO” and/or run […]


Event Photography for Programs

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Bands of Santiago Sharks Concert Photo

Event Photography I had the pleasure of photographing the Bands and Color Guard for Santiago High School for two seasons now.  This year I was asked to design the programs for the Band Concerts. My experience in event photography came in handy.  Most of the photographs needed to be taken in low-light situations, both indoor […]


Pop-Up Flash Help – Puffer

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During this holiday season you will, undoubtedly, be taking a lot of family photos indoors. Your trusty DSLR will notice that there isn’t enough light in the room and active the little pop-up flash. You snap the photo and look at the small screen on the back of the camera. WOW – IS THAT BRIGHT. […]


Perfect Smile or Perfect Moment?

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Perfect smile or perfect moment? I’m not your classic portrait photographer in that I would much rather capture the real moment, which tells a much more interesting story than the perfectly posed photo.  Don’t get me wrong, there are situations where a perfectly posed photo is called for but for most family portraits – real […]